Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is There a Cure for Acne??

Yes, people, I am mildly obsessed with acne. And anybody out there with even the mildest form of acne can understand why. It's a painful condition to live with (like, psychologically), and can really ruin your day.

So.... I decided to try the Zeno. Basically, I found that it is a very effective product for when good hygiene fails (and, thanks to Mother Nature's ways, good hygiene will inevitably fail no matter what skin care regimen you have).

And did I like it? Well, now I keep a Zeno in my car (as well as in my purse--I actually own two) and have found it very convenient to use, no matter what time of day a breakout arrives.

It's pretty easy to use. After hitting the power button and the unit is ready, the timer button light will go from amber to green. You then hit the green timer button to start your 2.5 minute treatment. It's really cool...once you hit the green timer button, it beeps every 30 seconds to let you know it is working on your pimple. At the end of the treatment, there are a series of beeps, so there is no way to confuse that the treatment is over. The Zeno gets a little warm, but it actually feels good. .

How it works it that the Zeno actually kills the bacteria that formed the pimple before it damages the skin--thus, the pimple is gone in significantly less time). The investment in my two (TWO!) Zenos is definitely worth the time and money.

Is it a cure for acne? Uhhh, well nothing is, really. But, like 99% of the time, it can stop an acne breakout before it happens. That's good enough for me!

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